The Spirit of Eagle y Condor – Los Peluditos 2020 by, Jennifer F. Johnson We awoke every morning with the fresh smells of the valley and the soothing sound of the rushing Cristopamba river below. Our home during this trip was the Riolindo Coffee Lodge, a small Shangri-La, nestled down the road from Cuellaje, a […]
The Eagle and the Condor fly together delivering art in Otavalo: Read below to hear from Angel, Jorge and Lucia, our wonderful teachers this year!
News from the Los Niños Front – February 2020 ProjectThis was a very different year from the Los Niños projects of the past. Due to extraneous circumstances, we were not able to bring any teachers from the USA and instead enlisted the talents and support of the Ecuadoran artists that we have known and worked […]
Los Niños de Mojandita –2019 Project The 2019 Art and Dance Project was a major success in ways that we never could have predicted! It was a week of school vacation for the children of the Guillermo Garzon Ubidia middle school (and our first time working in the middle school campus, with 4th through 7th […]
Surgery in South America – Reflections on our Veterinary Project – Los Peluditos de Ecuador 2019 By Carlin Johnson, CVT University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine ECC team Six months ago, I was asked to be a guest of the International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management to help the eagleYcondor Foundation provide veterinary care […]
The IVAPM / eagle Y condor Los Peluditos de Ecuador Project – 2019 by: Dr. Beatriz Monteiro A collaboration between the International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management (IVAPM) and Eagle Y Condor, a non-profit organization working for the welfare of animals and children, got together a team of 3 veterinarians and a veterinary technicians […]
eagleYcondor is supported entirely by generous donations and volunteers — join our list of supporters!